I read that Borders Bookstores are in bankruptcy and am happy to say that the store at Sunset Blvd. and Vine Street is staying open. This first pix is Borders Books at the north west corner of the intersection of Sunset and Vine, Hollywood, California. I am standing at the Nickelodeon Theater.
Borders' has an outside patio. As well as an inside seating area with a Seattle's Best Coffee (shop). This picture shows both and I thought it rather a novel view of the bookstore.
After taking the Borders' pix, I wandered up to Ivar at Selma and what to my wondering eyes, beheld:
Someone was standing outside, smoking and I asked to take this photo and got permission (not legally necessary, but politeness dictates asking) and was given a sweatshirt (hoody) and a unusually large poster for the movie. This was courtesy of the oddly named 43Kix, which is an advertising and p.r. firm. If you are planning to visit Hollywood and have an SMS or text messaging capable cellphone and don't mind sharing that with them, you can find free passes to movies and other bling-bling goodness.
All photos on the Rounder's pages can be enlarged by clicking them.
Nice shots. My favorite Borders in town didn't survive. They'll be closed in about a week.